savage over under shotgun

Browning Over/Under Shotguns
What is the value of a Savage over-under.
Ruger Over/Under Shotguns What is a savage 330 over under shotgun.
Item:9006719 Savage Savage 410/22 over.
Over/Under Guns Savage Model 42 Over/Under Shotgun/Rifle. What is the value of a Savage over-under.
savage over under shotgun
savage over under shotgun
The value of a savage moder 24 22/410.
depending on condition and collectibility it should fetch between 200 and 400$ More than likely your looking at 250 - 300$. The newer Savage 24s made with tenlite
This over/under offers balance, style and reliability at a value-minded price. Cabela’s-exclusive silver receiver and stock engraving. Beautifully finished walnut
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Auction: 9006719 Guns For Sale - Rifle & Shotgun Combos : Savage - Savage 410/22 over and under shotgun & rifle
15.01.2009 · Best Answer: I found one on they are asking $850. for it see attachment, compare it to what you have. Regarding the second part of your
Cabela's: Savage® Arms Over/Under Shotgun
06.01.2007 · Best Answer: Average condition, about $200-400. A lot depends on the specific model and there were too many in .22LR/.410 to list. Is it a plain 24, or a
Answer I live in western Canada and I have had a410 22 over and under savage for about 25 years. At various gun shows I asked the same question. In Canadian dollars
What is the value of a Savage over-under.
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