Can u smoke new oxycotin pills

New OxyContin Pill Harder to Abuse?.
I have the new oxycontin and it seems undoable to crush and snort anybody know anything about that Yea It is made so that you can NOT Snort them Why would you want
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Can You Smoke Oxycontin Op 80 - The.

04.05.2010 · A new version of OxyContin, packaged in a manner that supposedly makes it more difficult to abuse, is out on the market, but the jury is still out on
Can You Smoke Oxycontin Op 80 - The.
Answer (1 of 13): Now it seems like a lot of theses people kinda know what they are talking about but I could tell as an addict the hardly know what they are saying!
How To Snort New Op Oxycodone Question: How to snort new op oxycontin? Anyone who says the microwave method dosent is WRONG. I have seen it done I know it works.
just curious No the new Oxycontin OP have been specially designed to help prevent such abuse of the medication Even if you try to crush chew or dissolve them they Can you smoke tramadol? - Yahoo! Answers
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Can u smoke new oxycotin pills
can i smoke this oxycodone pill? - TopixCan u smoke new oxycotin pills
How Do U Shoot Up A Oxycontin? - Blurtit.06.11.2008 · Syria. Iran, NKorea, Syria block adoption of landmark global arms tra
No need to get hysterical my fellow opiate lovers, the new formulation will only be a little harder to is a quote from Purdue's own recent press
can u still chew the new reformulated.